Sabtu, 26 April 2014


Passive voice is a grammatical construction (grammatical form) where the subject in the sentence (sentence) or clause (clause) does not take action, but rather accept the action or follow-up (receiver of action) by the other agent (DOER of action) either mentioned or not.
Some ways to make passive sentences:
Sentences must have an object.
Laying the object becomes the subject of an active sentence passive voice.
Laying the subject of an active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence.
Laid by before the object.
Using the verb (verb) The third form (V-3) ​​as to be (is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being)
Only the verbal phrase that can be used in the passive voice.
Following her tense.
Function or description the same time in the passive voice to active voice
Rumus :
 Positif             : Subjek + is/am/are + past participle/V3
Negatif            : Subjek + is/am/are + Not + Past Participle
Question          : is/am/are + Subjek + Past Participle
Example :
Aktif                                                               Pasif
They borrow the book.                                   The book is borrowed by them.
They don't borrow the book.                          The book is not borrowed by them.
Do they borrow the book?                               Is the book borrowed by them?
She repairs this blue car.                                  This blue car is repaired by her.
She does not repair this blue car.                     This blue car is not repaired by her.
Does she repair this blue car?                           Is the blue car  repaired by her?
Rumus :
( + ) S + Was/Were + V-3 + By + O
( - )  S + Was/Were + Not + V-3 + By + O
( ? ) Was/Were + S + V-3 + By + O ?
Example :
Aktif                                                               Pasif                                                                           
John bit Mary                                                 Mary was bitten by John
John didn’t bite Mary                                     Mary wasn’t bitten by John
Did John bite Mary?                                       Was Mary bitten by John?
What did John do?                                          What was done by John?
Who bit Mary?                                                Who was Mary bitten by?
Who did John bite?                                         Who was bitten by John?
Rumus :
( + ) S + To Be ( is, am, are ) + Being + V-3 + By + O
( - )  S + To Be ( is, am, are ) + Not + Being + V-3 + By + O
( ? ) To Be ( is, am, are ) + S + Being + V-3 + By + O ?
Example :
Aktif                                                               Pasif
She is reading the English book.                    The book is being read by her.
She is not reading the English book.              The book is being read by her.
Is she reading the English book?                    The book is not being read by her.
They are sending the letters.                           The letters are being sent by them.
They are  not sending the letters.                    The letters are not being sent by them.
Are they sending the letters?                           Are the letters being sent by them?
Rumus :
(+) S + be(was/were) + V1-ing/present participle
(-) S + be(was/were) + not + V1-ing/present participle
(?)be(was/were) + S + V1-ing/present participle?      
Example :
Aktif                                                                          Pasif
John was biting Mary                                                Mary was being bitten by John
John wasn’t biting Mary                                            Mary wasn’t being bitten by John
Was John biting Mary?                                              Was Mary being bitten by John?
What was John doing?                                               What was being done by John?
Who was biting Mary?                                              Who was Mary being bitten by?
Who was John biting?                                                Who was being bitten by John?
Rumus :
( + ) S + Have/Has + Been + V-3 + By + O
( - )  S + Have/Has + Not + Been + V-3 + By + O
( ? ) Have/Has + S + Been + V-3 + By + O ?
Example :
Aktif                                                                           Pasif
John has bitten Mary                                                  Mary has been bitten by John
John hasn’t bitten Mary                                              Mary hasn’t been bitten by John
Has John bitten Mary?                                               Has Mary been bitten by John?
What has John done?                                                 What has been done by John?
Who has bitten Mary?                                                Who has Mary been bitten by?
Who has John bitten?                                                 Who has been bitten by John?
Rumus :
( + ) S + Had + Been + V-3 + By + O
( - )  S + Had + Not + Been + V-3 + O
( ? ) Had + S + Been + V-3 + By + O ?
Example :
Aktif                                                                           Pasif
John had bitten Mary                                                 Mary had been bitten by John
John hadn’t bitten Mary                                             Mary hadn’t been bitten by John
Had John bitten Mary?                                              Had Mary been bitten by John?
What had John done?                                                What had been done by John?
Who had bitten Mary?                                               Who had Mary been bitten by?
Who had John bitten?                                                Who had been bitten by John?

Causative verbs

Causative verbs
Causative verbs are used to indicate that one person causes a second person to do something for the first person. Atau Causative verb adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa subject tidak bertanggungjawab langsung terhadap aksi yang terjadi melainkan seseorang atau sesuatu yang lain yang melakukan aksi tersebut.
The causative are : Let, Have, Get, Make
- Let : Membiarkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu.
The pattern Let/ permit/allow
                        S + let + complement + verb in simple form
                              (any tense)                                                     v1
                        S + permit + complement + verb in infinitive
                           (any tense)                                                              to + v1
John let his daughter swim with her best friend
John permitted/ allowed his daughter to swim with her best friend
Dr Jones is letting the students hand in the papers
Dr. Jones is permitting/allowing the students to hand in the papers
- Have : menginginkan seseorang mengerjakan sesuatu untuk subjek.
the pattern Have active
                         S + have + complement + verb in simple form
                               (any tenses)     usually person                    ( V1 )
Marry has John wash the car (present tense)
Marry had John wash the car (past tense)
Marry is having John wash the car ( present continuous)
Marry has had John wash the car (present perfect)
Marry had had John wash the car (past perfect)
Marry will have John wash the car (future tenses)
- Get : mirip dengan have namun dengan struktur kalimat yang berbeda.
The pattern Get Active
                        S + get + complement + verb in  infinitive
                           (any tense)        (usually person)                     (to + v1)
Marry gets John to wash the car (simple present)
Marry got John to wash the car (past tense)
Marry is getting John to wash the car (present  continuous)
The pattern Have and Get Passive
                       S + Have/ Get + complement + verb in past participle
                             (any tense)                   (usually thing)                    V3
    James has/gets his shirts cleaned at the drycleaners
    Pat is having/is getting her car repaired this week
    Anna had/got her paper typed by a friend.
- Make : memaksa atau sangat menyakinkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu.
            The pattern Make/force
                        S + make + complement + verb in simple form
                             (any tense)                                                            v1
                         S + force + complement + verb in Infinitive
                            (any tense )                                                           to + v1
    The teacher always makes the children stay in their class
    The teacher always forces the children to stay in their class
    The manager made the salesmen attend the conference
    The manager forced the salesmen  to attend the conference
    The president is making his cabinet members sign this document
    The president is forcing his cabinet members to sign this document

Selasa, 15 April 2014


Nama   : Findi Yuningsih
Kelas   : 4EB17
NPM   : 22210785

1.      Adopsi pola PSAK di Indonesia
1.a       pembahasan
1.a.1    Pemahaman PSAK
            Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) merupakan pedoman dalam melakukan praktek akuntansi dimana uraian materi di dalamnya mencakup hampir semua aspek yang berkaitan dengan akuntansi, yang dalam penyusunannya melibatkan sekumpulan orang dengan kemampuan dalam bidang akuntansi yang tergabung dalam suatu lembaga yang dinamakan Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI).  Dengan kata lain, Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) adalah buku petunjuk bagi pelaku akuntansi yang berisi pedoman tentang segala hal yang ada hubungannya dengan akuntansi.
            1.a.2    Pemahaman Standardisasi
            Standasrdisasi merupakan penentuan ukuran yang harus diikuti dalam memproduksikan sesuatu. Standardisasi adalah proses pembentukan standar teknis, yang bias menjadi standar spesifikasi, standar cara uji, standar definisi, prosedur standar (atau praktik),dll. Pengertian lain standardisasi adalah proses dalam menetapkan atau merumuskan dan merevisi standar yang dilaksanakan secara tertib. Standar adalah sesuatu yang dibakukan dan disusun berdasarkan konsesus semua pihak terkait dengan memperhatikan syarat-syarat kesehatan, keamanan, keselamatan lingkungan, berdasarkan pengalaman, perkembangan masa kini dan masa yang akan datang untuk memperoleh manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya
            1.a.3    Pemahaman Harmonisasi
Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia harmonisasi adalah upaya mencari keselarasan Harmonisasi merupakan proses untuk meningkatkan kompatibilitas (kesesuaian) praktik akuntansi dengan menentukan batasan-batasan seberapa besar praktik-praktik tersebut dapat beragam
            1.a.4    Pengertian Konvergensi
                                    Konvergensi; pengertian harfiahnya adalah dua benda atau lebih bertemu/bersatu di suatu titik; pemusatan pandangan mata ke suatu tempat yang amat dekat. Konvergensi berasal dari bahasa Inggris yaitu Convergence. Kata konvergensi merujuk pada dua hal/benda atau lebih bertemu dan bersatu dalam suatu titik (Arismunandar, 2006: 1) . Konvergensi akan mudah dibayangkan jika menggunakannya dalam ilmu fisika khususnya tentang cahaya. Cahaya matahari datang dari berbagai sudut yang kemudian dikumpulkan atau dibiaskan oleh loop (kaca pembesar) pada satu titik. Penggabungan berkas-berkas cahaya tersebut adalah peritiwa konvergensi.
1.b            Ruang Lingkup
Beberapa penelitian di luar negeri telah dilakukan untuk menganalisa dan membuktikan efek penerapan IAS (IFRS) dalam laporan keuangan perusahaan domestik. Penelitian itu antara lain dilakukan oleh Barth, Landsman, Lang (2005), yang melakukan pengujian untuk membuktikan pengaruh Standar Akuntansi Internasional (SAI) terhadap kualitas akuntansi. Penelitian lain dilakukan oleh Marjan Petreski (2005), menguji efek adopsi SAI terhadap manajemen perusahaan dan laporan keuangan.                                                                                           Di dalam kasus ini saya memilih perusahaan manufaktur yaitu PT. KIMIA FARMA, Tbk. Di dalam annual repot tahun 2013, laporan keuangan PT. KIMIA FARMA, Tbk sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia. Hal ini di jelaskan di dalam Opini Auditor yang menjelaskan bahwa PT. KIMIA FARMA, Tbk sesuai dengan SAK. Selain dilihat dari laporan keuangan, sistem teknologi informasi juga saya lihat. Perusahaan tersebut telah menggunakan sistem berbasis ERP mendukung bisnis layanan dan produk kesehatan antara lain dapat mempercepat dan mengintegrasikan proses kerja antar Divisi dan Unit Kerja serta anak perusahaan sehingga dapat meningkatkan kecepatan dalam proses pengambilan kebijakan Perseroan. Teknologi yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan oleh Perseroan adalah teknologi informasi berbasis Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) untuk melakukan transaksi sehingga diperoleh catatan lengkap dan dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pengikhtisaran dengan baik.

1.c            Kesimpulan
                             Dari kasus tersebut dapat saya ambil kesimpulan bahwa laporan PT. KIMIA FARMA, Tbk mengacu kepada International Accounting Standard (IAS). Hal ini dijelaskan di dalam annual report tahun 2013 bahwa laporan keuangan yang disajikan sudah sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan.

Demikian informasi ini saya buat semoga bermanfaat untuk khalayak banyak. Kurang lebihnya saya mohon maaf.